Emotional Intelligence……….

A car ahead was moving like a turtle and not giving Adam way inspite of his continuous honking.  Adam was on the brink of losing his cool when he noticed the small sticker on the car’s rear.  It was written “Physically Challenged, please be patient.” And that changed everything for Adam.

He immediately went calm and slowed down.  In fact, he got a little protective of the car and the driver.  Adam reached home a few minutes late, but it was okay for him and then it struck him, “would he have been patient if there was no sticker? Why do we need stickers to be patient with people?” He again pondered and said to himself, “will we be more patient and kinder with others if people had labels pasted on their foreheads.  Labels like, “lost my job,” “Fighting cancer,” “Going thru a bad divorce”, “Suffering emotional abuse”, “Lost a loved one”, “feeling worthless”, “Financially broken”, and many more like these”.

Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about.  The least we can do is to be patient, kind and compassionate.  Let us respect the Invisible Labels knowing that each is carrying multiples ones with them.

That is why they say “Walk gently into others lives, care and give love to whomsoever you meet in your life because all wounds are not always visible.”  Life is an Endless Process of Self Discovery. A person who’s happy will always make others happy too.

77 thoughts on “Emotional Intelligence……….

  1. Lovely thought shared and a point to be pondered. We really need to ask ourselves a question- “do we really need to know the cause to show empathy and kindness towards others”? Unless said why aren’t we polite with everyone. We all are struggling yet fail to be patience and good. Showing kindness after knowing the facts is like showing sympathy rather than true care.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A very important issue you mentioned here..
    We have to make excuses for others.. We don’t know what are they going through. We should Not judge others behaviour.. Behind the curtains there are hidden matters..
    Keep giving dear friend Kamal.. Best regards 🙂🌸


  3. Unfortunately, life has come to a stage where compassion and empathy are missing. We’ve got caught up in the race to reach the top, but with our helping each other.
    Thanks for the reminder Kamal 👍


  4. This post is such a valuable reminder. I love the idea of stickers on our heads. I think right now my stickers would be “Miss my daughter” (I just returned from visiting her and had a great time.) “Worried about the upcoming election” “Surgery in two days” and “When will this writers block go away?”

    Maybe if we think of our own stickers, we would be more patient with others’ invisible ones. Thank you so much for posting this, Kamal.


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