Freshness of a New Year…….

Image result for images of freshness of a new year

As the sun sets on a wonderful year 2018

The freshness of a New Year welcomes us

With warmth and open arms

Beholding hearts with love and joy

So many beautiful reasons to be happy

Staying hopeful and pleasant every moment

Let us all fly together with the wind

Sing and dance in ONENESS all year round

Let His grace of Love and Kindness

Shower us in mystical embraces

Enveloping us in scented fragrances

Dear friends, let’s all work selflessly

Towards a common cause

To save our Beautiful Mother Earth

With love and truth beneath our wings

Be it art, science and beauty

May the world realize the highest

Aspect of Divinity more and more

Wish you all the Luck in the year 2019……………………

61 thoughts on “Freshness of a New Year…….

  1. This is a beautiful poem and intention for the new year! I especially like the dancing in oneness and mystical embrace. Then in love, we might join to save the planet. Thank you and may your vision manifest. Happy New Year Kamal!


  2. My dear friend Kamal

    In this beautiful poem I feel your heart vibrating which spreads happiness and
    hugs from heart to heart.

    Just wonderful, my friend 🙂
    All good wishes and big hugs


    1. Thanks dear Didi for these wonderful words and yes I felt my heart going out when I wrote the beautiful poem. May our God guide all of us toward saving our Mother Earth and and his grace be with us. Love and hugs to you dear friend


  3. A beautiful rise of new morning with beautiful hope and setting back the past and moving ahead positively. Making efforts to make a better person each day being the main motto of the resolutions kept by all. Wishing you and your family a very happy new year once again Kamal.
    A beautiful writing shared by you.


  4. Indeed! This is a beautiful reflection of words, you have shared with us.
    The poem is indeed very beautiful reflecting the kindness in your words.
    Happy 2k19, may we get to meet & greet at each other post like our old times.
    Love all the way to you! 💓


    1. Yes dear Sudarshana. I was wondering few days back where you and Harsh had disappeared from our WordPress and how we used to love and comment on our posts. But see your lovely post was pronounced in our reader and I immediately said this is Sudarshana and it was so nice to see you back on WordPress. Thanks dear for your lovely feedback and yes may we greet and meet each other with our post like old times. A very happy new year 2019 to you and to your family, Sudarshana.


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